
this week we've been discovering honesty because there's been little of it previously,  apparently. 
in times past some lazy fool bought a gamers console to ruin any chance of communication,  self discipline and creativity.  
after having it charged and discussing it's need to remain at home it got confiscated by a teacher.  
  Compounding the problem was the web of lies being generated to avoid reality and make himself look ok.  be like:
- left it at school. 
- can't remember,  i have a bad memory. 
- (after being told i was meeting his principal next week) oh yes the teacher might have put it somewhere. 
- to,  yes it was confiscated. 
- i took it because my mate wanted to see it.  

   so we had many lies;
- agreeing not too take it.
- taking it. 
- claiming it was lost. 
- denying it had been confiscated. 
- claiming he had memory loss.
- the teacher misplaced it.
- i didn't want to take it,  my mate asked me to. 
so there, seven lies and a truckload of damage to trust in our relationship. 
I get the he may have a genetic disposition and have these behaviors modeled to him over so called parents or carers over many years,  but it ain't gonna fly.

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