the countdown carer assessment visit

"shit just got real"
        "The wilderpeople" movie.

with last minute tidying & making safe tasks underway,  i am procrastinating.  well really just having a coffee & reflecting on where i am at in life. happily divorced & with my two children in their early 20s i guess i was looking forward to more "me time". i don't know what that would look like because i haven't had it since early adulthood; there've been partners & an ex- wife that needed support,  my children growing up at home then my ageing mother.  it seems that i've always been there for others. i expect the future will be no different.  
at the moment I'm going through the proves of becoming a "relative career" for 11 year old H* whose parents struggle with drug dependency & it's impacts & other relative carers feel by the wayside. when i heard he had been placed in a modern day orphanage, or was going through trauma number ten,  i  just thought "that's enough". no longer can i stand by watching people crumble away as this little fellow's tender life resembles a train wreck. 
my expectations are that he will initially fit in & then begin giving us great joy.  yes,  there may well be incidents that impose on our peace of mind,  but a longer term focus will be upon growth & healing from  the traumas that H continues to experience.  already i can feel myself tapping into a great reserve power of compassion that had so far gone unexpended, the experiences that I've gained in previous work& study,  have fermented,  will stand me in good stead to promote that goal of  positive growth & healing.  

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