Worimi, Awabakal & Biripi Land

 A vast expanse of saline and brackish waters  a veritable inland sea, complete with two separate river systems,  and vast shallow lake,  surrounded by national park-lands, more than a day's sail north. Ancient waters geologically and socially,  where native inhabitants of various nations met to feast and conduct rituals in the shadows of volcanic sentinels. 

Fortunately free of the black rape which plagues the areas to the south amd west.  Where tracts of earth are disgourged into ocean going leviathons to benefit the dense population centres of the sub- continent ... and a handful of local barons. 

However , their reach is broad and meteorological changes bought on by the burning of their "black gold" are wreaking havoc, eroding shorelines, ignoring forests and confusing traditional cycles in nature. 

Yet,  we, the adventurous must continue to go forth. In tiny timber boats,  we meander the edges, sip tea and inwardly weep tears of joy at the beauty of unmolested nature. We sailors wonder,  like the Ancient People must have over just two hundred years ago, whether our grandchildren will ever experience beauty. 

The oppressive forces of guilt and shame are cast off only as we pay our respect to the Ancient People and proceed lightly and quietly across the e waters here. 

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