The 4 O'Clock Fox
This setting pout foul weather must be trying for man& beast, for the last six morning's or so a dastardly fox had been visiting the hens. You could set your watch by "him", he's very regular. If you offered him wages, he would surely sleep in& claim sick leave. But this fellow is a sole trader, hard working and reliable.
But, I don't worry too much, art the sound of a screech I loose the dogs & they will pursue the little fellow a good while. They yap excitedly about the usual places before Zipper gets the scent & they invariably charge off eastwards and halt barking loudly. Presumably this is where foxy goes to ground.
I give them all a treat on their return & there's much back patting as they crunch their crackers. The kittens join the fray with ac small few biscuits & I'll be a coffee & take a biscuit to my berth and read Tilman & reflect on the days progress on Ka'nu.