foster carer numbers are down
Not to burden anyone with my issues, more to unburden myself of these issues by writing them out. Here goes.. Okay. On my broader familt, there is a wing that has been delving in darkness; drug use, unruly teens, metal health, crime, biker gang membership and suicide. The media make movies about this shit, but being on the fringes of it in real life is bewildering and frankly drives me speechless. There's stuff gone on in the family branch that no-one will ever know about. One of the byproducts of a brief, probably distasteful, sexual encounter. This occurred in a drug rehab oremtal health ward, I dont know. The issue of this encounter was immediately placed on Care where he has remained for the previous 12 years. Unfortunately, these arrangements have been unstable, volatile and not much publicized. In January this year word spread that this "poor boy" needed urgent placement as his host family, his aunt, husband and three teens, were in conflict and at risk of ...