
Showing posts from January, 2023

weekly sail - moon lakes

A lot of boat work in the week leading up; the boat is secure on its trailer,  the trailer lights are working & the light bar quick to remove,  the furler is improved & finally the rowing blocks & cleats are secure & sealed.  S c ome the weekend we are really keen to get wet.   As usual,  the decision of where to sail was made on the hop, & with the heart. I have been very keen to ensure that once the Lurgurina is up to scratch,  & we trust one another,  that we would return to Moon Lakes.  Her builder George who died in 2019 aged 97, had lived right by the river at Tea Growers & had been an active member, indeed office bearer,  of the Moon Boat Club. I wanted to honor him & his lifestyle buy returning Lurgy here under sail .   The boating facilities at Kooks Larding had changed since I was here last. Free range access to the shore had been corralled into one ramp.  It's natural I suppose to...